Personal Experiences Guiding the Spiritual Exercises  22




In the Third we contemplate the Mysteries of Christ's Passion and Death. It is not the first time during the retreat that we contemplate Christ in his Passion. The image of Christ on the cross is present in the First week already. Christ giving his life, for me is the unquestionable proof of God's love for me. God has blessed me with many gifts, has healed my wounds and forgiven my sins many times. I should know that He loves me and deserves my faith and trust. But I might still question His love. Does God really love me even after my weaknesses and infidelity.

The image of Christ on the Cross, gift of the Father, is at the beginning of my love story with Him. He showed me God's respect, acceptance and love. He dies for me so that I should not die for ever. In Him the Father tells me how much He wants to communicate His life and love to me.

Now on the Third week we wish to understand and love Christ more. In the Third week, we pray for the grace to contemplate the last battle over evil being fought in Christ’s heart and to discover His love for the Father and for us overcoming the destructive power of evil. The Spirit can make us see with the eyes of faith, in the darkness of the Passion Christ's love, purity and glory. This is the last battle against evil, the winning battle to redeem the human family from the grips of evil. Christ doesn't preach any more. He has already proclaimed the Good News to us in parables and miracles. He doesn't denounce evil taking away its deceiving masks from pharisees and false prophets. He has already done that. Christ is the Good Shepherd taking good care of His flock, but He is not fighting the enemies outside the gate. The wolves are already inside, charging on the shepherd himself. The destructive power of evil wants to hurt and destroy Christ Himself.

During the Passion Christ is silent or speaks very briefly. He doesn't make miracles. Christ lets the power of darkness get hold of Him. He turns Himself towards the Father. And Christ is not destroyed by evil. It is the power of evil that is overpowered by Christ's love. The power of Christ's love for the Father and for us is stronger than that of evil.

In the Third week we learn the lesson we have to remember in all our activities and temptations. An impossible lesson indeed for us, weak humans. The lesson that “all battles against the power of evil have to be fought, first of all, in our own hearts”. The lesson that "it is by the power of the Spirit, purifying and transforming our hearts, that we love God and all creatures in Him". That grace brings us the peace and joy of knowing that God's glory and love dwell in our hearts and nobody can take them away.

Our prayer in the Third week has a genuine human resonance and a divine depth at the same time. The grace of the Third week is the knowledge of Christ in all his humanity, when He shares our most painful wounds. Christ lets himself be hurt by evil like we are hurt. His wounds are even more painful and unjust because He is pure, merciful and loving. We humans know how evil hurts us and brings the worse out of us. Devious flattery or skilful distortion, fearful friends or callous enemies, unscrupulous lords or shameless playboys, moody crowds or cruel soldiers, physical pain and the fear of death... all powerful evils threaten the peaceful presence of goodness and love in our hearts. Evil makes us evil. The power of evil touches our heart and infects it with feelings of hate, desires of revenge, or the darkness of despair.

Christ has been hurt by evil. But evil didn't make Him evil. Christ has overcome evil. Christ shows us how to conquer it: evil is conquered in the heart. Evil is conquered by God's goodness and love. Only God's Spirit has the power to overcome evil. Christ lives by the Spirit of God. Never in Christ's life is the love for the Father so present in Him as during His Passion and Death. Christ teaches us to pray as He prayed. In His prayer Christ opened the heart to the Spirit. And the Spirit entered the heart to protect it from evil, to give Him love. The glory of the Passion is the glory of the Spirit conquering evil in a human heart. By doing so Christ brings hope to an human beings because in Him we see that there is a stronger power than the power of evil. When the Spirit is present in our heart poisonous bites do not poison us, evil doesn't make us evil. His life-giving-Spirit is stronger than the destructive power of evil. In Christ, love is stronger than darkness and evil.


The Fourth week is necessary in order to know Christ and to identify ourselves with Him. In the Fourth week we contemplate Christ risen and glorious. A Christ at peace, a joyous Christ. Christ has fulfilled His mission, shows his care, his humour, his desire to bring peace and joy to His disciples. We see now a playful Christ, treating each disciple in the most touching way. In Christ we discover God's sense of humour, the tenderness of His love, the charm of suspense and adventure.

These are the last touches in the picture of God who has become human in Christ. This is the human face we want to discover in ourselves too, a sense of humour, a taste for playfulness, joy and adventure. Under the light of the Spirit we have faced our weaknesses, our impotence to love. We have started to walk on the footsteps of Christ. We are asking the wisdom to integrate our duties with the exigencies of the apostolate, our human weakness with the vocation to become divine. We have discovered the miracles of redemption at work in our hearts. We want to share in his suffering and become like Him in His death. Now in the 4th. week we ask the grace to be raised from death to life. This is the hope for ourselves and for those who follow Christ.

Transformed by the glory and joy of the Fourth week the disciple looks at the world with concerned eyes indeed, but also with a trusting heart knowing that all we have to do is listen and follow God's will. God's projects are projects of mercy, wisdom and glory. The disciple believes that God is in charge today as He has always been and, for those who work with Him, nothing happens outside His power and Providence.

Rome, Christmas 1993




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