Fundraiding Nite
April 9

Ngo^ Hoa`ng
DDa`o DDan Thu`y
Tra^`n Cu+o+`ng
La^m Ba?o Cha^u

Dong Hanh Tay Nam - Activities Page |Home|Index|Act99| last update on 10.15.99 19:05:00



Ð ê m
H i ê p
N h â t

Tra^n tro.ng ki'nh mo+`i

Vui lo`ng dde^'n tham buo^?i tie^.c do Phong Tra`o DDo^`ng Ha`nh vu`ng Ta^y Nam to^? chu+'c nha(`m ga^y quy~ sinh hoa.t cho nie^n kho'a 1999
Emerald Bay Seafood Restaurant
5015-V West Edinger Ave.
Santa Ana, CA 92704
(corner of Edinger and Euclid)

Tie^'p Ta^n - 6:30p.m.
A(n To^'i / Va(n Nghe^. - 7:30p.m.
Thu+' Sa'u, 9 Tha'ng 4, 1999
(Xin Lu+u Y': Chu+o+ng tri`nh se~ ba('t dda^`u ddu'ng gio+`)

Su+. hie^.n die^.n cu?a

La` mo^.t vinh du+. cho
Phong Tra`o DDo^`ng Ha`nh vu`ng Ta^y Nam
Ki'nh Mo+`i

Xin Mang theo thie^.p mo+`i na`y dde^? va`o cu+?a 


We request the honor of your presence at our
Fundraising Dinner and Dance

Emerald Bay Seafood Restaurant
5015-V West Edinger Ave.
Santa Ana, CA 92704
(corner of Edinger and Euclid)

Reception - 6:30p.m
Dinner / Entertainment - 7:30p.m.
Friday, April 9, 1999
(Please Note: The event will begin promptly)


Your presence will be a great honor for the
Dong Ha`nh organization



Please bring this invitation for admission


Program 6:00 Chua^?n Bi.

6:30 Tie^'p Ta^n / Ghi Danh

7:15 Gio+'i Thie^.u Quan Kha'ch

7:30 Gio+'i Thie^.u Quan Kha'ch

8:00 A(n To^'i va` Va(n Nghe^.

Ca Nha.c
Bie^?u Die^~n Tho+`i Trang - Ha.t Ca?i
Mu'a - Ra Kho+i
Ki.ch - Mu.c DDo^`ng
Gio+'i Thie^.u Phong Tra`o va` ca'c Nho'm: - Slideshow

10:00 Ru't Tha(m / Khie^u Vu~

12:00 Be^' Ma.c

Location / Direction Emeral Bay Seafood Restaurant
5015-V W. Edinger Ave.
Santa Ana, CA 92704
(corner of Edinger and Euclid)
714.775.5161  714.775.2525
Yahoo Map and Directions
Emerald Bay Restaurant
Event Coordinators To^?ng Qua't DDa`o Thu`y denthui@juno.com
A^m Thanh Tra^`n Cu+o+`ng cuongtt@juno.com
Tie^'p Ta^n Tra^`n Thu'y tweety531@aol.com
Trang Tri' Ma~ Thua^.n tom.ma@ucr.edu
Va(n Nghe^. DDo^~ Linh domailinh@juno.com
Intro-Slideshow Pha.m Tua^'n william.pham@entex.com


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