Name: Roch
Date: Saturday - 4/Sep/99 - 04:22:09 GMT
It is me again. To answer question #2:
"How does the Church follow Jesus' teaching in
excommunicating a member?"
Well, again, I don't Jesus ever taught
about "excommunication", so consequently,
if the Church does excommunicate someone,
I am not sure if this is "following Jesus'
Just wanted to point our certain things.
Feel free to write back. My e-mail is
provided in the other message.
Name: Roch Drozdzik
Date: Saturday - 4/Sep/99 - 04:14:27 GMT
It is interesting that so many reflections
on the web this weekend use the word
"excommunication" when it comes to
interpretation of the words of Jesus,
"treat him as you would a Gentile or
or a tax collector".
You say:
The expression "like a Gentile and a tax
collector" is odd in view of Jesus'
openness to both groups;
And yet we all know how Jesus himself
treated the "Gentiles and tax collectors",
don't we?
So maybe this is what Jesus suggests that
we do too, rather than "excommunication".
Let's not be so quick "excommunicating" all
those people (who wrong us), and let's try
to treat them the way Jesus would treat
"the Gentiles and tax collectors".
God Bless,
Fr. Roch
Name: An Hoa
Date: Friday - 20/Aug/99 - 15:02:08 GMT
"... if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector
How do we treat gentiles if we try to get them to join the Church? Not to punish them, but be very nice to them, make exceptions for them, and love them as much, if not more, than others. Can this be the correct interpretation (not my own)?