Name: huongli`
Date: Saturday - 6/Feb/99 - 19:23:42 GMT
This is not my sharing. I only wish to quote Papa's words to the Young
People of the America at Kiel Center, St.Louis. (This is Papa's sharing,
so to speak?)
1. Ask yourselves: Do I believe in these words of Jesus in the Gospel?
Jesus is calling you The Light of The World. He is asking you to let
your light shine before others.... But only if you are one with Jesus
can you share His light and be a light to the world. Because Jesus is
the Light, we too become light when we proclaim Him.... You are called
to make the light of Christ shine brightly in the world.
2. You are children of the light (Jn 12:36)! You belong to Christ, and
He has called you by name. Your first responsiblity is to get to know
as much as you can about Him in your parishes, religious instruction ...
But you will get to know Him truly and personally only thru prayer. What
is needed is that you talk to Him, and listen to Him.
Through prayer you will learn to become the light of the world because
in prayer you become one with the source of our true Light, Jesus
3. Christians are always in training. You are ready for what Christ wants
of you now. He wants you -all of you- to be light to the world, as only
young people can be light. It is time to let your light shine!
Chirst and the Church need your special talents. Use well the gifts
the Lord has given you! This is the time for your training, the time
for action is now!
4. Each one of you belongs to Christ, and Christ belongs to you. I
challenge young people -as a friend- to live in the light and truth of
Jesus Christ. I urge you to let His word enter your hearts, and then
from the bottom of your hearts to tell Him: "Here I am Lord, I come to
do Your will!) (Heb 10:7)
5. Each of you has a special mission if life, and you are each called to
be a disciple of Christ..... All of you must be the light of the world.
In the days and weeks and years ahead, for as long as you remember this
evening, remember that the Pope came to the U.S, to the city of St.Louis
to call the young people of America to Christ, to invite you to follow
Him. He came to challenge you to be the Light of the world!