Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life
For Vietnamese Communities
Director Formation Program
1. Fill out
the application form. Send the completed form to Fr Dominic Hung Nguyen, SJ via
e-mail (Chungha@aol.com) or regular mail 2300 S. Washington Ave,
Tacoma WA 98405. Deadline for mail in the completed application form: March 31st,
2. Send a
$50.00 deposit with your completed application form (this deposit will be
refunded to you at the workshop or it can be applied to the workshop fee)
3. Send the
personal reference form to your spiritual director, your pastor, or your
community leader (Fr Tuan or anh Quang for Dong-Hanh). Ask him/her to send the
completed form directly to Fr Dominic Nguyen. ONLY ONE REFERENCE is required.
March 31st, 2002
4. Fill out
the registration request form and can send it in with the completed application
form or at a later date (no later than May 15th, 2002)
If you have any questions,
please contact
Fr Dominic Nguyen (253-761-3516 , chungha@aol.com)
Hang Nguyen (281-544-3946, monghang@yahoo.com)
Hy Le (206-296-5395, hyl@seattleu.edu )