What is Con Ca?

Con Ca is a Community Discerning for Mission.
- A graced history.
- Share one common spirituality that is Ignatius.
- Share one common mission, which is to live as Christ.
- Shares responsibility in mission means to move from a vision to: 1)
Discern, 2) Send, 3) Support, 4) Evaluation
- Promotes trusting and supportive relationships as "companions with
Christ and in Christ."
- A trusted forum for faith sharing and on-going discernment.
- A sense of sacredness of unity in diversity.
- First principle and foundation: God is the center of our lives.
- A freedom to respond more fully to God's loving desire for us.
- Rooted in Ignatian spiritually with Ignatius' Spiritual
Exercises as the unique way for a greater awareness of God's presence in
all things that happen in our lives.
- Examine and discernment for the better glory of God.
Spiritual Exercises lead to :
- Know Christ more deeply.
- Love Christ more passionately.
- Follow Christ more ardently.
Ignatian Spirituality is:
- To Love God more
- To discern the will of God in our lives
- To see God in everything
Tools in Ignatian Spirituality to seek the presence of God in all
- Reflective and contemplative prayers
- Examine
- Discernment of Spirits
for Mission
- It is a focused passion: focusing of our energy and passion to live
as Christ.
- This mission is the response which Con Ca feels being called to give
to the great needs and aspirations of her world today. It is her way of
announcing the Good News of God's love in the present historical moment.
The common mission becomes concrete by identifying apostolic priorities
and lines of action.
- It is Christ-centered and not self-centered.
- It is not a specific task nor service.
A mission rooted with authentic desires moves from :
- Vision to
- Discernment to
- Conviction and passion to
- Creativity