ĐH 2007.03 | Họp Mặt Vùng


Trang chính Bao DH 2007 2007-03

Images of God



To Me God Is ...

The sun, happy heart, creator, home, farm, pumpkin, loud, making me more comfortable.

Candle, lights the way for me.

Egg, means re-birth.

And wings, taking away trouble.



The Fourteen Stations Of The Cross

1. Thank you for dying on the cross

2. Giabang: I am a Fees, I am a Eees. 

3. Gialan: mom/dad. 

4. Thien -An: Dear Jesus, Thank you for dying on the cross for me and saving my sins. 

5. Peter: Thank you for dying on the cross for us! 

6. Thank you for giving us your life and dying for our sins. 

7. Thao-An: Thank you for dying for me so that I won’t be full of sin. 

8. Catherine: Thank you for dying for me so that I will have a life after this one and not be dead forever. 

9. Anne Anh Thu Pham: Dear Jesus, The cross means to me that you died so you could forgive the people that had bad sins.  

10. The cross means to me that Jesus dies for us he loves us. 

11.  I feel bad that Jesus got nails on the cross. 

12. Gia Bao: Dear Jesus, Thank you for dying on the cross; if you hadn’t, we wouldn’t have had been saved. I feel bad for you because you got pushed at, spit at, and whipped at. 

13. The cross means to me that Jesus died for us. He died so we would be saved. We should be happy, for he also died to forgive our sins. 

14. Dear Jesus, Thank you for dying for us.