ĐH 2004.01 | Sent to the World, Members of One Body


Trang chính Bao DH 2004 2004-01

God's Love Overflowing




Through the Scriptures, reading the First Principle and Foundation, written by St. Ignatius Loyola, and in praying via the Lectio Divina, I have come to realize God’s love for me.  Upon this realization, I have been motivated to love God in return by loving all the gifts I have been given, all things created; for God is love and He is the center of my life.


Listen to Him [Mt 17:5]

During the Mustard Seeds Silent Retreat, I dedicated the weekend to only one relationship...and the one between God and me.  At the altar of thanksgiving during the opening ceremony, I entrusted God and left all of my problems, all of my family, friends, and loved ones in His hands so I could be silent with myself, internally and externally. By being silent, I listened; and in turn, I heard great things.


My son, you are here with me always; everything I have is yours. [Lk 15:31]

For the past few months, if not years, I have been resentful.  Like the older brother in the Parable of the Prodigal Son, I felt unloved, underappreciated, and, worst of all, lacking in ability, specifically the ability to love and be loved.    Why do I always have to do the dishes, while my sister does nothing, yet she receives all the praise and rewards?  I resented the thought that all of the work I had put into pleasing others had gone unnoticed.  So I took it out on my mom, my sister, and my closest friend...God.  I blamed them; I blamed God. 

Everything I have is yours. 

In my silence, I heard that God loves me greatly and that everything around me was given to me as a gift from God: my loved ones, the pets I adore, the air that I breathe?all these were mine to have.  All the things around me are my constant rewards!  I do not need trophies, plaques, or showers of compliments proclaiming my supposed greatness to feel loved.  I need not compare my rewards with those around me.  I have my reward: God’s Love and the gift of family, friends, and the luxury of having shelter and food to eat.


But if any of these gifts becomes the center of our lives, they displace God. [St. Ignatius]

I treasure the gifts that I have been given.  I love them, and sometimes, I want more and more.  More rewards, Lord, more!  I’ve been focusing on the trivial things (getting good grades, going to work, pleasing my mother, etc) when my real focus should be on God himself.  God is my center, and I must re-center myself so that He remains so in my life, everyday.


We appreciate and use all these gifts of God insofar as they help us develop as loving persons. [St. Ignatius]

I admit it.  I have been so wrapped up in my anger and resentment that I have forgotten what it means to love.  My mom and sister, my friends, even the father that I do not see anymore, have all felt their share of my anger.  Upon reading the First Principle and Foundation written by St. Ignatius, I realized that these people are my gifts.  Yet, I have not loved them and have not used them to be instruments of my love, of God’s love.  Why did I find it so difficult to love and express love?  Why have I not been able to embrace God, the giver of these gifts?

I realize that I have not been in love with the greatest gift He has given me: myself.  Every time I look in the mirror, I turn away in disgust.  I have insulted God, for I was made in the image of God.  I allowed myself, God’s greatest gift to me, to be criticized by myself and by others.  I failed to embrace the imperfections that were given to me.  Hence, I have not yet loved God and am incapable of loving all the other gifts I’ve been given, aforementioned.  I have not appreciated myself and these gifts.  I have not let these gifts help me develop into a loving person. 


Jesus told him, “Go your way; your faith has saved you.  Immediately, he received his sight and followed Him on the way.” [Mk 10:52]

 I found the motivation to love myself and all of my imperfections.  While finding love in God and in myself, I found the need to express this love to all things created. My mom, my sister, my dad (when the opportunity arrives), all my friends, and, of course, my pets: Simba (cat), and Sashimi (fish), since God created them. I feel that I have been neglecting all relationships with these persons and that I have not expressed enough love to those who love me, especially the ones who love me for who I am.

Aside from that, I also found the motivation to be opened to loving those who do not love me yet. I realized that my post-high school experience has been uneventful.  I am not involved in my community like I used to be. I miss that. So my first steps are to love the strangers in my community and meanwhile, do what I love to do.  For instance, joining Pet Pro-life is something I’ve wanted to do but have been too lazy to join.  Also, I would like to dedicate a few hours to CHOC hospital, and filling a position in one of the 30 departments while caring for kids.

Bartimaeus amazed me with his courage.  He, who was once blind, got what he wanted from Jesus (his eyesight) and was told to go his way.  Yet instead of going HIS way, he chose to go GOD’S way.  Like Bartimaeus, I would like my faith to save me and to lead me in choosing God’s way.  And God’s way is the way of love.

We have come to know and believe in the love God has for us.  God is love, and whoever remains in love remains in God and God in Him. [1 Jn 4:16]