I have spent my life, Lord!

Have mercy on us Lord!
I have spent my life, Lord,
Turning my lyre Instead of singing to you.
Forgive me, Lord.

I have spent my life,Lord,
Seeking my way
Instead of walking with you.
Forgive me, Lord.

I have spent my life, Lord,
Begging for love
Instead of loving you in my brothers.
Forgive me, Lord.

I have spent my life, Lord,
In search of safeguards
Instead of putting my life in yours.
Forgive me, Lord.

I have spent my life, Lord,
Taking resolves
Without keeping them.
Forgive me, Lord.

Now, if it is true, Lord,
That you save us
Not because of our works
But owing to you great mercy

Then we are ready now
To receive your salvation.

Lucien Deiss