2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Reading I: 1 Samuel 3:3-10,19 II: 1 Cor 6:13-15,17-20
John 1:35-42

35 The next day John was there again with two of his disciples.
36 and as he watched Jesus walk by, he said, "Behold, the Lamb of God."
37 The two disciples heard what he said and followed Jesus.
38 Jesus turned and saw them following him and said to them, "What are you looking for?" They said to him, "Rabbi" (which translated means "Teacher"), "where are you staying?"
39 He said to them, "Come and you will see." So they went and saw where he was staying, and they stayed with him that day. It was about four in the afternoon.
40 Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, was one of the two who heard John and followed Jesus.
41 He first found his own brother Simon and told him, "We have found the Messiah" (which is translated "the anointed one").
42 Then he brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, "You are Simon the son of John; you will be called Kephas" (which is translated "Peter").

Interesting Details
One Main Point

John the Baptizer came "so that all might believe through him." (1:7b) Through him, the first believers came to Christ.

  1. What is the role of John the Baptizer in the Fourth Gospel? What does it teach us about our role as Christ's followers?
  2. Who told us about Christ? Whom have we told? What enthusiasm do we bring to our appreciation of the gift of faith?
  3. What have I found in Christ?, and what action has that discovery led me to?

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